A dataset containing the speed or accuracy manipulation for a Random Dot Motion experiment.
A data frame with 15818 rows and 5 variables:
integer ID for each subject
reaction time for each trial as a double
Factor with 3 levels for Speed, Accuracy and Neutral
Factor with 2 levels for Left and Right trials
Factor with 2 levels for Left and Right responses
Details on the dataset can be found in the following paper:
Striatum and pre-SMA facilitate decision-making under time pressure
Birte U. Forstmann, Gilles Dutilh, Scott Brown, Jane Neumann, D. Yves von Cramon, K. Richard Ridderinkhof, Eric-Jan Wagenmakers.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Nov 2008, 105 (45) 17538-17542; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0805903105